All-in-One Converter

All-in-One Converter

Grammar Check Tool

Grammar Check Tool

Grammar Check Tool

Grammar Check Tool

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Ctrl + B Make selected text bold
  • Ctrl + I Italicize selected text
  • Ctrl + U Underline selected text
  • Ctrl + C Copy selected cells or text
  • Ctrl + V Paste copied cells or text
  • Ctrl + X Cut selected cells or text
  • Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
  • Ctrl + Y Redo the last undone action
  • Ctrl + A Select all cells in the current sheet
  • Ctrl + Shift + + Insert a new row above the selected row
  • Ctrl + - Delete the selected row
  • Ctrl + Shift + = Insert a new column to the left of the selected column
  • Ctrl + Shift + - Delete the selected column